It is the time of year again when in Ibiza it becomes possible to go and and pick your supper from the field next door. Yesterday I went out and got some asparagus and rocket flowers (this year the rocket leaves have gone past eating point and become grass flavoured earlier than usual). The asparagus is thin and spindly and needs a reasonable amount of boiling to get the bitterness out but I think that asparagus must not be cooked al dente anyway. It is a travesty of modernity.
ps make sure you click (or double click or whatever it is that you pc users do) to see the first photo. Its beautiful.
Wow - they look amazing - look at the colour on those stems. I am an asparagus addict. I had them last night at a well known restaurant in London and they were so undercooked I nearly broke a tooth on one of them!
What cheese is being used in the recipe? Parmesan I presume...?
Thanks. The cheese is a cured Manchego called Flor de Esquiva. Wonderfully creamy yet wierdly dry. Also has that unmistakeable Manchego. Makes a nice change from parmesan.
Great tip thank you!!
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