Blog is not a very nice word and blogger is even worse. It should not be use in any context to do with food. It sounds like something you get from food poisoning. Or something you 'fessed up.""Oh man, look. He's just fessed up his blog all over his shirt." I'm going to call it my Flog, my Flogger. Or Slogger
Christmas and new year have come and gone and the 2008 season is upon us. Whilst it is still months away I can feel it flexing. I can feel it breathing down my neck. Its gonna be hot and its gonna be long. Yeah. So.....food food food.
Baked Cod with baked cannelini beans. Goddamn that is a mix that works. Add bacon to it and the gates of heaven open directly for you. The cod was a big chunk from a big fish. No infantide here. Big mother. I cooked chopped leek, onion, fennel, garlic, bacon and carrot in some olive oil with bay leaf and rosemary. Sweated it until it softened and gave me the juice. Then I added some grated tomato and cooked it out. Then I added some cannelini beans i had cooked ready and a little stock. Cooked it till it was dryish, and then added the cod on top, seasoned it and baked it. As soon as the juices were seeping into the pan I took it you and poured some pounded parsley, lemon and yet more oil over it and then..........yeah. I ate it. And it was nice. The best piece of cod I have had in a long time. Huge firm moist flakes that resisted slightly as I bit through them. Godddamn. The cod had come all the way from Norway, which was nice.
There will be a recipe to follow this pronto but not just yet. Then there will be a video.
This God Cod came about because in between getting ready for the summer and a million other nothings I am actually doing some paid work. Cooking. I am cooking lunch every day for 10 - 12 people from all over the world, Colombian, Peruvian, Isreali, Italian, Scottish, English, Ibicenc in a house somewhere in the hills of this most extraordinary island. This mix is brought together as staff for a wealthy person(age). The person(age) is away. So I am cooking for the staff who look after the place whilst the cat plays. Ibiza. Extraordinary.
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